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Journal FroMan's Journal: Twitter 1

I finally signed up for twitter, crazydaysorg is my id. Surprisingly there isn't an option to add a twitter id on slashdot, but there is for every other IM type tool, and even WoW (which I don't play anymore).

On Saturday there I attended a conference with ever other fellow with a laptop twittering or tweeting or whatever it is called. It was so pervasive that there was even a 1/2 hour session on twitter and other social networking sites.

I've heard about it for a while, but never really seen a use for twitter. Well, being all sheep like I decided to sign up cause all the cool kids are doing it.

I'm hoping to make it sort of a "cool links" type tool for myself. To that end, I've followed a couple folks who I think might generate links that I would be interested in such as: nranews, newtgingrich, and timoreilly. Hopefully these folks post links to interesting articles.

I don't forsee me posting much since I really don't have a lot to say. I'll probably mention releases of any of the software projects I am working on. I might post a few other things like links to articles or columns I really like too.

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