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Journal Leapfrog's Journal: Clash of the fauna

Yesterday, I picked up a small english ivy ( Hedera helix, 'Walthamensis') for my desk. Out of the selection of ivy plants at the local garden shop, this one in particular looked to be virile. I knew it was the plant for me when I saw the way it was wrapping a tendril around its neighbor, a sickly looking dracaena. It is a plant clearly bent on domination. As I lifted it from the grow-light illuminated stand, I noted that it had even put down roots in another plant's pot.

I repotted it into a larger container (more room for root growth). Now it is on my desk. I have named it Winston, and certainly hope it is as resistant to the Philodendron invasion as its namesake. I plan to use a system of paperclips and desk pins to help it cover the cubicle wall. When it is strong enough, I'll send it over the wall to explore.

Excellent. *wiggles fingers*

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Clash of the fauna

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