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Journal aWalrus's Journal: Development, hosting and the new comic

I'm now keeping a kind of journal at my site, along with the comic, so instead of doing a wholly different thing for this, I'll copy and paste the inane drivel I post there. Hope no one minds. If you want to see the original rant (plus this week's comic) check it out at:


I got moved from testing to development at work a while ago and there's tons of acronyms to hate and cool stuff to learn, so I've been playing Padawan to Peter lately. He's cool. He's also the guy who suggested the Overcaffeinated name for this site. Dixon is kind of based on him, too. Unless he wants to sue me. In that case, I've never seen him in my whole life and Dixon and everyone else were inspired by these really neat sculptures I made with my mashed potatoes at breakfast the other day. Yes. That should work.

Peter's website is (that's a rather... charming picture of him and his wife on the background) btw, mafufo is spanish for kind of weird-ish or something. Be sure to also check out the incredibly neat (I made it) website of the guys at Red Naranja. They provide me with hosting and tons of bandwidth in exchange for web design and imported monkeys. I'm running out of monkeys, so I have to make up for it redirecting traffic their way.

I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the new style, and even tried some new things (thanks a lot to Ian from Machall for his excellent tutorials -- you rock, man). I hope it shows.

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Development, hosting and the new comic

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The cost of feathers has risen, even down is up!
