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Journal benad's Journal: And Then The Rain Falls

I was about to write about the CLI tools that I use to browse the web, get emails, log in to a Jabber server and chat on IIP, when I realized it was both too geeky and that I was thinking about other things. (I may do it on a later day, though.)

One of those things is to get the "Javelin" album by "Blue Amazon". No you don't know what this is. But I got it from massinova, and the track "And Then The Rain Falls" is just amazing. True it's not techno, far less trance, light-years away from classical music, but I still like that "progressive house" stuff...

So, I'm about to import this and this from the USA. Damn... by music tastes are too broad... I wish it was like this with girls...

And no, don't ask me what the ending of Metroid Prime at 100% means. I'll wait for the movie and/or the sequel.

- Benad

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And Then The Rain Falls

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"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
