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Journal Chacham's Journal: Verbiage: 42 is here 9

Last night, as the calendar shifted to 27 Adar, i became 42. My birthday is actually in Adar 1, but not being a leap year, there's no intercalary month, so its just plain Adar.

42 is cool and all, but as each year passes, i care less and less about birthdays. It's not more than just getting older. It's about understanding things, realizing how stupid young people are (like i was, back then) and just a general non caring. Life simply is.

In other news, slashdot is changing styles again and overall is slower and looks clunky. I feel some odd attachment to writing JEs once in a while, perhaps to justify my almost two decades since first checking it out. has it really been that long? I wonder if i would attend a slashdot meetup. Probably not. It's sounds great on paper though.

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Verbiage: 42 is here

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  • You're not still reading this, are you?

    Guilty as charged :)

    Happy birthday!

  • I've accepted that we are on the "ends in a whimper" slide. But I'm not letting go completely until the dot is gone.

    Of course they could always just turn journals off, drop the tables, whatever. Then I'd fully move on.

    I have gone to meet ups - if 2 of us getting together constitutes as such. I was glad I did it every time.

    • by Chacham ( 981 )

      I'm probably the same way. Got to milk my 3 digit UID for all its worth. :)

      I've never gone to a meetup. I'd be self-conscious, feel out of place, and so on. Add travel, and forget it. If there was one here in Detroit, i'd at least consider it.

      I did meet one slashdotter though. He got me an interview in Toledo. Though i don't remember who it was, i remember his smile when i came through the door and feeling good about meeting someone else.

Heisengberg might have been here.
