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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Snapple "Real Facts" 3

Bought a Snapple as part of lunch today. I'm sure many of you have seen these "Real Facts" under the lid.

Todays fact: "The average smell weighs 760 nanograms"

My question: How does one weigh smell?

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Snapple "Real Facts"

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  • Smell is tiny particles of the object (which is airborn) coming into your nose, and hitting your nasal nerve.

    Think about that next time you smell poo ;-)
  • Is it true that the stronger the smell, the heavier the smell? I would seem to think that would be the case because if something smells stronger, there would tend to be more smell particles in the air. So, I don't understand how the "average smell" can weigh a certain amount. Maybe it assumes a certain distance from the particular thing that is making the smell. I wonder how else they could come up with an average?

"It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling" - R. Frost
