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Journal benad's Journal: CUSEC

Man, that was... weird...

You know, CUSEC, the "Canadian Undergraduate Software Engineering Conference".

Kent Beck was the funniest. You know, the guy that made "Extreme Programming". He almost made an a** of himself at the party Friday night. I say "almost" because I left soon, and I only have rumors for now. But someone took photos... (more on this well I'll get them)
Well, at least I know that I'm better than him at Super Smash Brothers Melee.

Otherwise, I'm just tired. Really tired. While I'm reading this, I'm waiting for my Co-op report to go up in the print queue, and I'm replying at an email I received from work.

BTW, w3m is pretty nice. It is editing this text with emacs, so I have a spell check. All that in a SSH connection.

I'll have to go back waiting for my print queue. Shit... a 12MB print job...

Edit: But the only problem with w3m is that previewing italic tags is useless...

- Benad

GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY (#7): April 2, 1751 Issac Newton becomes discouraged when he falls up a flight of stairs.
