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Journal shepd's Journal: Hmmm... 2

Well... I'm just in the process of cleaning up a client's computer infected by klez, dupator, opaserv, bugbear, and magistr. Of course, the client will be charged $100 for this service, since I've spent hours fighting these various viruses (there may be more... that's just how many I've been able to identify) which are each fighting each other.

So, I found a great deal on McAfee Antivirus 6.0 for the guy. $0.97! Can you believe that! And it isn't even hot! Wow...

I tell the guy he really needs to buy it. I mean, for $0.97, hell, it isn't exactly a stretch. It's a protest when I say he needs to buy a copy per computer (he has more than one).

Why is this? Does he think he won't be billed $100 for this service already?

The Simpson's is more and more like American life than I really want it to be in these later episodes.

The client's solution, which I'm trying to tell him isn't a good idea, is to take all his computers off the net, and buy one "internet terminal". All over $0.97 of AntiVirus!


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  • By taking them off the 'Net, you just know he means that he'll route them through the one Internet terminal. Even if he doesn't, he'll sneakernet between 'em. Either way, he'll still be vulnerable.

    If he's as clueless as he sounds, FUD your way into his pocketbook--"Uh, yeah, unless you have Norton installed, they'll attack through the power lines." Reference JeffK's community service article on hacking from

  • If his wallet doesn't hurt enough, he won't learn. Fixing multiple virus infections carefully is a multi-hour job, and you should be charging at least a dollar a minute during that time.

Real Programs don't use shared text. Otherwise, how can they use functions for scratch space after they are finished calling them?
