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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal tomhudson's Journal: [POLL] Bathroom poll. 6

After looking at the toilet that the user pages have become, I prescribe a dose of humor - hence this poll:

When was the last time you went into the other genders' bathroom?

[_] "This is slashdot ... what is this 'other gender' you speak of?"
[_] "Not necessary - our bathrooms are unisex, you sexist pig.'
[_] PANTS!
[_] 'A bunch of us sneaked in at school on a dare.'
[_] "I clean toilets for a living, you ignorant clod!"
[_] "All the time at work - its' cleaner."
[_] "It happened once by accident, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it."
[_] "Once a week to adjust the webcam."
[_] "I really had to go bad, and it was that or crap myself."
[_] "No longer necessary - the user pages are the new crapper ..."
[_] "If you do that in Soviet Russia, other gender flushes YOU."
[_] "I had to use it because someone slashdotted the other one."
[_] "My trial comes up next week."
[_] "It's a log, it's a log, it's a log ..."
[_] "I had to. CowboyNeal ate all the toilet paper, and I didn't have anything smaller than a $20".

Note: This poll was inspired by a story in one of Scott Adams' Dilbert books ... before the office day started, a guy snuck into the womans' washroom, and stuck a pair of mens shoes and pants stuffed with newspapers into one of the stalls and locked the door. Women would come out saying "There's a man in the womans' washroom" ... one of them said "and he must be sick, he's been there a looong time!"

Note 2: We were discussing widgets at the office - they want us to make a survey or poll widget, and I said that polls like this would be a lot more interesting than "serious" polls. Serious polls are a dime a dozen.

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[POLL] Bathroom poll.

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  • Maybe 20 years. I went in there to beat off. After a while, that particular kink gets old, and I moved on to more exciting things.

  • Bathrooms are assigned by sex not gender. ;^)

    But I was last in a men's room in 1998.

  • It was the woman's bathroom used to film the part of the bar scene in the movie Top Gun. It was not in a bar. It was in a building that was a part of Naval Training Command San Diego. I was standing a balls to four watch so the building was empty. There was a big brass plaque on the door that told about the room being used in the movie. I went in and pushed on the counter like Tom Cruise. Sad but true.

  • I had been on a red eye and was simply beat and exhausted. I walked in accidently and thought it odd that there was a urinal but, being tired and having a need, I went. As I left a cleaning guiyu berated me, but his Vietnamese accent was so thick it took a few moments to realize what I had done. I think that was the first time, too, come to think of it...

    As long as we're talkng bathrooms. The men's room at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, CA, has a waterfall for the urinal. If there was ever a me
  • Three days ago, to re-stock her TP
    Oh, you meant an "available to the public" ladies' facility? (missing option) It's been years since I was *that* drunk.

  • [X] "I had to. CowboyNeal ate all the toilet paper, and I didn't have anything smaller than a $20".

    But it's weird, the way they've 'upgraded'/'fixed' it!

The only perfect science is hind-sight.
