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Journal dedazo's Journal: Hey fucktard 4

Yeah, you. The sad asshole that keeps going through my posting history and abusing moderation with the ever-popular "overrated" mod.

Unlike you, I don't really give a shit. This account has seen -1 karma, and I don't doubt it will again. And yet I always end up on top.

Knock yourself out.

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Hey fucktard

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  • I know you don't care, nor are you asking for this, but I'll make a note the next time I get mod points to go thru your posting history and look for mod abuses. Comment quality in the general discussion areas is getting so crappy, I've not be able to get very far into them anymore, and end up having my mod points expire before finding someplace to use them. So I've been using them in peoples' journals, and to counter obvious abuses.

    • by dedazo ( 737510 )

      Hey, thanks. Don't worry about it too much though, it's not a big deal. I get this about once a year, it seems.

  • If you know what I mean...

The cost of feathers has risen, even down is up!
