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Journal MondoMor's Journal: Pure comedy, thy name is the Slashdot mod system. 2

This is either funny if you're a troll, or sad if you're trying to make Slashdot a site with useful info.

Either way, it highlights how thoroughly boneheaded the current moderation system is.

In this "Slashback" article, an AC posts "a copy of the article in case it gets slashdotted", complete with a disclaimer line:

[posting anon to avoid being accused of karma whoring.]

What the zipperheaded mod didn't realize, is that it's a cut-n-paste of the SLASHBACK ARTICLE ITSELF. That's right, someone posted the contents of a slashdot article INSIDE the same article and got modded UP.

Whoever you are, you're my hero, and if I could give you an award for "Most Recent Exposure of the Stupidity of the Slashdot Mod System", I would.

On another note, sorry to my fans if you've got messaging on and you see so many recent Journals by me. I'll try to keep it quiet.



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Pure comedy, thy name is the Slashdot mod system.

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  • I love your journals, they're usually funny and entertaining.
    You're also a good example to the slashbots of how a dissenting opinion is immediately censored on slashdot, and how a "good" user posting at +2 can go "bad" and post at -1 due to moderation abuse.

An engineer is someone who does list processing in FORTRAN.
