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Journal Barbarian Queen's Journal: Idiots 5

They're everywhere. In the office. On the roads. In the stores.

So many idiots - I didn't know there were that many villages?

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  • The correct term is "village-challenged individual". :-)

    The sheer number of village-challenged individuals in our society is a national disgrace. Being deprived of their natural habitat, they are forced to congregate in urban areas - where they inflict their idiocy, er, quaint folkways on the rest of the population.

    The Save the Villages Fund is dedicated to returning these abysmal excuses for humanity, er, fine misunderstood citizens to their natural surroundings. Please consider a large donation today.


    • The correct term is "village-challenged individual". :-)

      I personally prefer to refer to these kinds of individuals as "dumbass". For particularly low-wattage types, "stupid dumbass" is good even though it is a little redundant.

      Then you got your followers. "Sheep" is the right word in that case. You could call them "dumbass" as well, but the may just be doing the lemming thing and following the orders of the HDIC ("Head Dumbass In Charge"), in which case calling them "dumbass" is not quite appropriate.


What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
