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Journal Alioth's Journal: Occasionally...

Occasionally, you can get a bargain on ebay.

I just won an auction for a 3dx HDX-300 RC heli kit (new) for about $100 below the price it's sold in normal internet shops. Yay me!

I had a really good time with the heli I have over the weekend, we had great weather with light winds, and I took it up to The Stacks (basically, an area of rugged terrain overlooking the sea over a 1000 foot cliff) and gave it a real good thrashing. I had to give up though, this time not because I crashed it, but because the midges were getting too much and I nearly had a midge-induced crash when one bit me particularly painfully. The leading edge of the rotor blades had caught a few of the bastards though.

Sunday I practised more nose in hovering and managed some hovers without pushing the stick the wrong way. Once I've got that down it's time to start doing aerobatics...although I want to use the 3dx-300 for that, I'm not sure the CP2 is really up to too much aerobatics (I'm sure it'll loop and roll, but the motor driven fixed pitch tail has a really hard time trying to keep up with rapid power changes).

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