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Journal aWalrus's Journal: I have started a web Comic 4

For the past few weeks I have been working on putting together my site, This is a place to show off my work, keep something like a blog maybe and, in general, troll for jobs.

A very important part of the project is a Web Comic I have started. It is aimed at developers/IT people. There are two entries already up, the first one here and the current one here. They are far apart due to a period of vacations, but I plan on posting a new strip every Sunday/Monday.

I would highly appreciate feedback, suggestions and criticism. I plan on promoting the web comic (haven't contacted keenspot yet) and trying to make the site the best it can be. It is not finished yet, and the "about" section doesn't point anywhere, but the rest of the stuff works. I also plan to use my journal and .sig to promote the comic, so if you like it, you could monitor this place for updates.

The sections to come:

  • Short stories: I like writing. I'll post stuff there.
  • About: I'll post info about myself, curriculum, random stuff and maybe start a pseudo journal in there.
  • Faq: As soon as people start to actually ask me things, they'll go there.
  • ???: Suggestions?

I have a day job, so I won't be able to update the site as much as I'd like to, but I'll try to stick religiously to the weekly comic update. Thanks for taking the time to read this and see the site. If you like it or hate it, I'd like to hear from you. =)

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I have started a web Comic

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  • I like the comic, good characters. This is going to be really cool. I'll stay tuned! Nice page design too!
    1. Clicking the Home button on the English hopepage takes you to the Spanish homepage - need to fix that.
    2. The About button doesn't do anything at the moment - best to leave it out until it has something to link to.
    3. On your Photo Of The Day, put some info about the size of the full image below the picture on the homepage - that way people on dial-up know it'll take a while to load.

    Funnily enough, I used to do a lot of x86 Assembly Language code, mainly for interfacing to tape drives in the duplication software we use in-house where I work. Amazingly, I can still maintain most of the code I wrote, a testament to the discipline I learnt back then regarding commenting and breaking up code into subroutines for re-use.
    • You're right. About the english/spanish versions: yes, I've been working on saving a cookie with the language preference and automatically redirecting people to the one they selected (when there's no cookie it will send them to the one with the locale reported by their browser).

      The about button: I think I'll remove it this afternoon. Probably put it up in one or two days, when I have actual content for that section.

      I'm also planning on putting up a gallery with the photographs, so clicking on the photo of the day will direct people to a page with thumbnails instead of the big image.

      About the assembler thing: It is cool. Working low level is nice. Currently I do some testing in assembler for the 390 (the IBM mainframes the size of a fridge) and it's pretty damn interesting. You have to have a certain mindset, though. Not everyone likes that stuff.

      I'm still working out the kinks. Thanks for the feedback!

"I say we take off; nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Corporal Hicks, in "Aliens"
