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Journal Alioth's Journal: Bad news 5

I got that sinking feeling, when my phone beeped with a text message from Tina, simply saying 'I have bad news'.

On Tuesday evening, a friend of mine was killed in a road accident. Michael was riding his motorcycle home, when another driver ran a stop sign. Both Michael and the other driver were killed.

I hadn't seen Michael for a couple of years - he'd left Houston (where we had met), and so had I. We still bumped into each other on Usenet quite frequently, though. We had only been talking on usenet a couple of days earlier. When we both lived in Houston, we would often spend nights with friends, out at the hangar, drinking beer and telling tall stories about flying (he always said that the 'F' was silent in 'hangar flying').

When friends get killed, it always takes a couple of days before it sinks in; I just can't believe they are gone.

I'll miss Michael's insight - he was a very smart person and his posts on usenet were nearly always well worth reading. He was a generous person, too - putting in literally thousands of hours of flight time for Angel Flight in his Twin Comanche. I'll miss him as a friend. I still can't quite believe he's gone.


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Bad news

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