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Journal benad's Journal: Philosomatika: Out; Massinova: In

First off, you may have noticed that I don't do as many postings as before. Well, somehow, I got really busy these holidays. For example, I took on the crazy/courageous step of trying out Freenet, and playing Metroid 1 without a walkthrough, and finishing all 3 paths of Eternal Darkness, and 7+ hours worth of Futurama Season 2...
So while, no , I won't do one post a day from now on, I should post something between one or two posts per week.

And on another unrelated note, I already have a "freak"! Don't ask me why, though. I might have done "Karma Whoring" by accident, I don't know...

OK, on the subject. I used to listen to the Philosomatika MP3 radio station from time to time, but didn't do it too much since it ate my Internet bandwidth (160 kbps). Also, the "good song / crappy song" ratio was a bit too high for my tastes, around 5 bad ones for a good one. It seems that while I love "psychedelic trance", I still have very specific tastes.

I found out Massinova by accident while looking at some Sherlock 3 channels here. While this radio station is closer to Techno and/or Dance than Philosomatika, it is still much better. Good sound, even with the very small bitrate (64 kbps), so I can listen to it all the time without it sounding like crap or causing me bandwidth problems. The "good/bad" ratio is around 1 to 1, which is exceptional given that this is electronic music (I'm going to get flamed for this...). This is surely due to having a request-based queue, which is actually smart and fair (unlike StreamingSoundtracks.com, which I tend to dislike simply because its request system is terrible). Finally, its "integration" in Mac OS X is exceptional. Yes, an MP3 radio station with a Sherlock 3 channel and its own menu bar...

But looking at the Top 10 chart of Massinova, I discovered that I simply have picky, "only the best of the best" tastes in electronic music... "Halcyon+On+On" is there... Some from "The Prodigy" are there... And "The Thrillseekers"...
So I'm not the only one to think that the music in Hackers was the only good thing in this movie...

Anyways, enough for today. You have enough links to click on in this post to make you wait until next time!

Oh... And happy new year to everyone using the Gregorian calandar!

- Benad

This discussion was created by benad (308052) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Philosomatika: Out; Massinova: In

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