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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Help me moderate 14

Okay, I'm stuck at home over a dialup which drops me every five to ten minutes. And I have moderator points. Last time this happened, I never got to use a single point.

It is practically impossible to browse at -1 Nested or even 2 Nested and moderate in a decent manner, so I'm turning to you guys and gals to help me out.

So if people could point out comments they think should be moderated, I'll get right on it. Oh, and I only mod up, unless there's an obvious troll marked as a high scoring insightful or informative.

P.S. If you need to recover karma, point me to the offending post and I'll take care of it =]


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Help me moderate

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  • I have never yet had any mod points at all


    but if I ever get any I have a cunning plan: look for intelligent posts by newbies who are still posting at 1 and mod up the good ones, because I still remember how lonnnnnnnng it seemed before I got up to Excellent karma, and how (foolishly, I admit it!) I longed to get there.

    Just my soft-hearted 2 cents.

  • It's in the Top-Ten-Physics-Ideas thread:

    A Top 10 list with 12 items? (Score:1), by ArsonPerBuilding (319673) on Friday January 03, @03:07PM (#5008676) (http://slashdot.org/)

    Top ten list- Check.
    12 Items- Check.
    20% margin of error- Check.

    The editor must be a experimental physicist.

  • I just used my last mod points yesterday. My approach is to find comments on post that never made it to the front page. I look for Re: comments a little farther down in the sequence so that good replies don't get overlooked just because they weren't quick on the trigger.

    • The problem is not that I'm unsure what to moderate, but rather that it is too painful (due to my connection speed and frequent disconnections) to browse through comments and find those which should be modded up.

      So if you spot anything while browsing, let me know, and I will mod it appropriately.

      • So if you spot anything while browsing, let me know, and I will mod it appropriately.

        Check out this links [slashdot.org] to some posts, which should be moderated up.

        Also take a look at tps12's posts [slashdot.org] which are modded down very often, even if they are very interesting and highly intelligent comments. You may want to mod up some of his posts which were modded down by some people, who don't like him. It's a pity, because I think every post should be moderated as an independent comment, no matter if you like the author or not. But what do I know? I'm in the minority of Slashdot moderators, who share this opinion.

  • This comment [slashdot.org] in the YRO article about the Russian kid who gave DirecTV secrets to sat pirates is rated 1, but I think it deserves better. He read the article, he read other people's posts, and he came up with a really cool perspective.

    I say "he" because this is /., and most people here are. I'm a she, myself, and the guy who urged me to go wank off while reading about Pepys's sex life is not exactly clued in to why I enjoy reading a 350-year-old diary.

  • This [slashdot.org] perverted message should be off-topic. He already posts at zero, and is now the secod foe on my list.

Heisengberg might have been here.
