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Journal Alioth's Journal: Radiohead and the Spectrum 2

This is absolutely AWESOME. Radiohead's song, 'Nude', from their latest album, played on a Sinclair Spectrum, a set of old hard discs, a flatbed scanner and dot matrix printer. Simply awesome.

(Incidentally, yes, a rubber key Spectrum *can* do multi channel music through its normal speaker, it's something the demoscene has been doing for a while - even if 'back in the day' most multichannel music was made for later Spectrums with the General Instruments AY chip)

Additionally, on my own Spectrum project front, the Spectrum ethernet card is almost ready for developers to get their hands on - just a bit more testing of the socket library, and building some more examples of the physical hardware and then wonderful things can happen!

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Radiohead and the Spectrum

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  • That video just about kills any future attempts at making something neat and putting it on the Internet. I mean, what's the point? Who can top that?
    • by Alioth ( 221270 )
      Well, since it's been around the loading sound has been extracted from the video and it's been discovered he made a minor cheat... the program is actually for a Spectrum 128K with its built-in AY sound chip, rather than multi-channel beeper sound - so they *should* have shown a 128K machine rather than a rubber key in the video...

      But the video is very well shot, too - the presentation is superb, and the cheat with the 128K machine can be forgiven in that light...

If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
