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Christmas Cheer

Journal red5's Journal: Christmas and family. 8

I've been out of town for a while I hope you are all doing well. I have quite a few stories to tell.

Christmas shopping went okay. I waited till the last minuet as I always do. I had a short list this year so it wasn't that hard. Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother + Sister in law.

I did all my shopping with my sister. She is skilled in the evil arts of shopping. First time somewhere around the 20th we went this open air shopping center by the farmers market. The place is very nice they even have an old fashion trolly. I a marble slab for my father and my sister pick out some pajamas to get for my mother.

While we were shopping we somehow wound up in the shoe department. It's an odd phenomenon, take my sister shopping for anything and you will end up in the shoe section. I have yet to find an explanation for that. I saw a pair on trendy red sneaker like shoes and remarked "I have to meet a girl that wears shoes like that".

The marble slab weighed a ton so we left it at the store and retrieved it when we were ready to go home. Watching the girl behind the counter try to hand it to me was funny as hell. "Let me get that for you... oh, I see why you left it here."

My sister and I have a tradition of picking out our own gifts for each other, swapping and going to the register. Of late I've been getting a bit tired of my jean selection. I'm down to two pair that I like and a bunch of others that I'm indifferent about. My sister is also really into clothing but can't justify spending 150 buck on a pair of pants. I though it would be a good idea if we both went and picked out a pair of designer jeans and bought them for each other. That way she's not spending it on clothes she's spending it on a christmas present for her favorite brother.

It's the 24th and I still can't think of anything to get for my brother. My mother tells me he really wants a new ironing board. The one he has is very flimsy and it's all you can do the keep it from falling over while you iron. A call to linens and things later and they have one on hold for me. All I have to do is get to Glendale. Now we all know what a "joy" Glendale is, but hey it's christmas.

Christmas day was alright. I spent the day with the family and saw "Two weeks notice" which didn't suck nearly as much as I thought it would. "Equilibrium" wasn't playing anymore.

At the end of the day I had to quickly pack for a trip to she my grandmother. As we had the redeye out of LAX. Considering the time constraints I did quite well. I even found room for my PS2 and "GTA:Vice City".

We had a second christmas up there. I got, some pajamas, a turtleneck sweatshirt, and these light up things you put behind your ears.

After a day or so at my grandmothers house we went to visit my aunt and my oldest cousin. He's about a year older than me and is visiting his parents (my aunt and uncle) on his christmas break. One of his friends from high school who is misfortunate enough to be born in late december. Was having his 21 birthday party at his parents house in town. He invited my cousin and it was okay if he brought me along.

We took his mom's car to the party and got there about the right time. Most of the guests had arrived, but there was still plenty of beer. My cousin didn't really know anybody at the party except birthday boy since it was all his collage friends and the rest of the high school friends didn't show.

Anyhow back to me. I'm starting on my second beer and I spot that a few of the girls are milling around talking about something. I notice there looking at me. Then I hear one of them say something like "I think he's 22 or 23." So I pull out my drivers license and toss it to them. "Oh he's nineteen I was way off." "Hey I'll be twenty in less than a month" I replied.

As the party progressed I started to notice one girl in particular. She was sort of quiet. and she hovered around the birthday boy a lot. Which meant that she's either his sister or his girlfriend.

After my third drink I decided a good way to find out which would be to check the family photos on the wall. If she's in them than she's obviously his sister. As I'm doing this she walks over to me and I start a conversation. "So you're his sister, right?" "Yeah, do you want to go outside for a smoke?"

We're outside smoking and we start talking about music. Apparently I look just like the drummer from that icelandic rock band who's name I can't recall at the moment. We talk about what bands we like. She likes Röyksopp and Lemon-jelly. I've never heard of Lemon-jelly myself. So she says we have to go listen to it in her room.

We're listening to music and talking when the odd pause happens. I lean in, so does she and like in all those cheesy hollywood movies her brother walks in the room. "Your mom called. They're coming by to pick you up soon. I'll come and get you when they arrive". After he leaves we continue making out till my parents arrive.

My parents come by and I tell them I don't want to leave just yet. The new plan is for me to get a ride home with my cousin and we'll all stay the night over at my aunts house.

Now I'm feeling really guilty. This girl is younger than me. She's almost 18 which makes it a little over two years. That and I'm over at this guys party getting with his little sister, how fucked up is that? I stopped making out with her and go back to the party.

I pull my cousin aside and ask him about the girl. "She cute and I think she likes me but, I don't know if it would be right. She's your friends sister that seems a little offsides don't you think?" "Nah. Go for it." "Seriously? It's all good in the hood?" he nodded and affirmative. I go listen to some more music and he has a few gin and tonics.

Fast forward an hour or two and he's drained the bottle of gin and passed out on the kitchen floor after shouting random D&D references. "I have the thaco, armor class, and he saving throw!" We carried him over to the couch and put the wastebasket in front of him just in case. My cousin and I come from a long line of drunks so I've seen worse. Okay lets be honest I've DONE worse.

Birthday boy tells me There are a bunch of people staying over and they need the couch. In other words one way or the other we had to get out.
Him:"Do you have a drivers license?"
Me:"Well, sort of"
Him"What do you mean sort of?"
Me:"Well, I have one but I'm not a very good driver and I've had a few drinks myself"
Him:"You look pretty sober, how many drinks did you have in the last two hours?"
(I lied I hadn't had a drink since my third a few hours prior. I just didn't want drive on snow. Plus his sister said I could stay in her room which I found to be a rather appealing offer.)
Him:"Okay, drink a few glasses of water and wait an hour. You'll be just fine."

I chill for a while till birthday boy tells me it's time to go. He gets two friends to carry my cousin to the car for me and writes down some directions along with his phone number just incase we get lost on the way. Then I'm off.

I'm driving to my aunt's house and before I get to the first corner my cousin starts to vomit. It's just a little bit leaving a little circle on his left shoulder. I continue on hopping that will be all of it. Sure enough before the next turn he's vomiting again this time a lot more. I'm too nervous to think straight. Obviously I should stop the car and let my cousin vomit on the street. All I can think to to do is talk to him. keep him talking that way I know he's not choking on his own vomit.

Between my cousin vomiting and trying to read the street signs in this suburban hell I ran a red light. didn't see it the light till I was almost through the intersection. to late to turn back now. Luckily for me nobody was driving on the road crossed. Unluckily someone was coming down the opposite side of the road I was on. This someone just so happened to be a police officer. Now I'm not sure of the law I'n my cousins state (Ohio) but in California anybody under 21 with a BAL of 0.01 or over is DUI. (the legal limit is usually 0.08).

I saw it all before my eyes. The officer would pull me over for the red light, see my cousin, then ask me to take the breathalyzer. Now I'm not drunk or even bussed but I did have a some drinks earlier and if the slightest hint of alcohol is still on my breath I'm losing my license and possibly going to jail. (Thank to misses Dole and M.A.D.D.)

I tried not to think about it and kept on going. After about two blocks I started breathing again. Thanks to fates the officer didn't notice or chose to ignore that I ran the red light.

I made it to my aunts house and the door was locked the house key on my cousins keychain didn't work so I rang the doorbell. After a few minuets that felt like hours my dad opened it. I guided my cousin into the house were he staggered into the living room and passed out on the floor. Moving him is pretty impossible since he weighs about 50 pounds more than me. Instead I elected to put a pillow under his head and give him a blanket.

I called birthday boy and told him we got in alright, thanked him for the directions, and apologized on behalf of my cousin. He said it was cool and that his sister wanted my email address.

I checked my email when I got back just a few hours ago and she sent me one. Now I'm wondering what to do. I mean I think I like this girl but I don't want to lead her on incase I don't. Then again those shoes I pointed out to my sister, she has a pair just like them.

All in all though I think that night was an important change of perspective. You see I'm the one who usually hits on women I'm too young for and I'm the one who gets shit-faced and has to be carried to the car. Now I know how they feel.

I have 50 /. messages in my queue so I think I'll just hit the submit now.
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Christmas and family.

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  • Although when I first read that I somehow missed the bit where it was your cousins friends birthday, and thought it was your cousins. I assumed, "Oh he just doesn't know his cousin very well." Then his sister, I'm thinking ok fine. Then you made out with her, and I was pretty convinced I was missing something and you weren't making out with your cousin.. you sick fuck. ;)

    Merry Christmas/Happy New year to you, glad you got your cousin back safe, hopefully not too much puke in the car. Don't let a good thing go to waste because she is young. You don't need to marry her :)
    • hopefully not too much puke in the car.

      Oh there was a lot of that, but his parents made him clean it up. :-p

      Don't let a good thing go to waste because she is young.

      Don't know bro. Soon I'll be 20. OMFG the big two zero. I think I'll nead to raise the bar from under 17 not admitted to 18 and over with ID. ;)
      • Don't know bro. Soon I'll be 20. OMFG the big two zero. I think I'll nead to raise the bar from under 17 not admitted to 18 and over with ID. ;)

        Well, you did say she was almost 18...

        A great moment in my life happened the other day when the girl I'm currently dating (I need to write a JE about that.. when friends turn lovers... nothing better) stopped by work and some guys saw her outside and interrogated me on how I got 21 year old girls...

        I love how most people seem to assume I'm 30+.
  • or did i miss it? a lot of people in this journal circle are in ohio, including FK himself. we could have done something really fun, like play video games. never mind, you did something else that was fun.
    • or did i miss it? a lot of people in this journal circle are in ohio, including FK himself.

      Well I was only in Ohio for one night. The rest of the time I was staying in NewYork State (Ferdonia).

      I was also a bit worried about mentioning where the party was incase of a "Hey thats my little sister your talking about!" post.

      Well looking at RWS's JE I can see that at least she's not your sister. So I think I'm in the clear for now. :)
  • Millenium Falcon to Red 5 ... Millenium Falcon to Red 5 ... Hey Sch., I'm throwing a party at club "Tangier" (on Hillhurst and Los Feliz). Private party with my DJ spinning progresive house (and some Euro shite). I'm shooting for the next Thursday. When was your b-day? Ahhh, I know... It's the same as Oenophille's. Tried to call your cell, but it's down as usual. I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow and I'll be back at the end of next week. Call me if you want to party! Hot european chicks gone wild! This can not be purchased in stores! Luke, I am your neighbour! Heineken Event Producer (formerly a geek like you)

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