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Journal Alioth's Journal: Soaring pictures from Aboyne 4

It's a bit of a grey day, so no flying today by the looks of it.

However, I've got some pictures from the week so far (not all taken by me).
This is me soaring the ASW-19:


(taken by Brian in the Duo Discus - it's two seat so one can fly and the other shoot pictures, so it wasn't someone trying to thermal in a gaggle and take pictures at the same time!)

Me looking relieved to still have power in my feet after over 5 hours in the ASW:


And all of the pictures so far this week:


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Soaring pictures from Aboyne

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  • great photos
    if 5 hours is silver - is there a gold that is even longer?
    • by Alioth ( 221270 )
      No, with the gold and diamond badges, the big things are the cross country flights (350km and 500km respectively, IIRC).

      There are other parts to the silver, for instance, I still need to get the silver height gain (1000m, or 3300ft - I've actually done this plenty of times but never 'officially observed' which is needed for a badge flight) and the 50km cross country (I've also done one of these, but not an 'officially observed' one). The 5 hr duration (well, 5 hrs 26 mins) was the longest duration glider fl
  • Nice, although I do prefer the look of these gliders [flickr.com] a little way south of there (Cupar)! ;-)
    • by Alioth ( 221270 )
      Oh, you get to soar with birds of prey too. Although they have an annoying habit of staying with you in lift, then buggering off flapping their wings at the first sign of sink, looking very smug that they can do that!

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
