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Journal insanecarbonbasedlif's Journal: Rating Songs in iTunes for Windows: Half Stars

Fun times - I just found a script for giving Selected songs in iTunes an additional half a star, and then made two versions of it to give the currently playing song plus or minus half a star. Made a keyboard shortcut to them, and now I have all the rating granularity I desire, right at my fingertips!


var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
var currTrack = iTunesApp.CurrentTrack;
if (currTrack != null)
try {
var currRating = currTrack.Rating;
if (currRating {
currRating += 10;
currTrack.Rating = currRating;
} catch(er) { }


var iTunesApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application");
var currTrack = iTunesApp.CurrentTrack;
if (currTrack != null)
try {
var currRating = currTrack.Rating;
if (currRating > 9)
currRating -= 10;
currTrack.Rating = currRating;
} catch(er) { }

Save the above into two .js files, and click away, you should see the ratings on the currently playing song change.

I'm too uninterested to try and indent the code blocks properly...
Update: I Just noticed "Down" doesn't work on a 5 star song. Not sure why. I'll post a solution if I find one.
Update 2: All's well.

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Rating Songs in iTunes for Windows: Half Stars

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