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Journal Alioth's Journal: Soaring in Scotland 2

Unfortunately, it looks like our glider club is going to be grounded for a while. The tow plane is awaiting a new engine to be fitted, and the winch is also waiting for a new engine. Argh.

However, some of the club (including myself) is currently away on a trip to Scotland for a week, at the glider club at Aboyne. I just got checked out in the Puchacz (a two seat fibreglass glider) this morning, but as is always the way, whenever we go somewhere all the lift goes away! I did at least get a half hour soaring flight before the thermals all buggered off. They use Piper Pawnees to tow so it's a bit like being at the Soaring club of Houston again. Well, except the scenery is much better and the club gliders are all fibreglass. There's plenty of hilly terrain around, and when the wind's in the right direction you can get some awesome wave conditions (it's not unknown to exceed 30,000 feet).

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Soaring in Scotland

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  • I know during WWII there were quite a few gliders used to get infrantry across the channel. Do you know if anyone over there has restored one or more and still try to fly them? I think it needs a more powerful tow-plane, but I think it would be a pretty interesting project.

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