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Journal Pervertus's Journal: How to wank 2

Wanking is a very important thing.
The sheer pleasure people feel because of it has caused many people to believe that it's a sin, and humans shouldn't enjoy in such a way. But don't belive it! You should make use of your built-in way to pleasure yourself. I'm sure god wants you to do that.

Apparantly several people don't know how to do it, so I decided to help you all using a simple list of what you should do. So that's how you should do it:

1. Go to the shower room.

2. Take off your pants and underwear, so you can see your penis.

3. Cause an errection by gently playing with it. You'll see how it grows, which is a very pleasant thing.

4. Now start rubbing it. If you're not alone at home, you might like to open the water so other people won't hear the rubbing noise.

5. Start thinking about girls (or boys, if your door swings that way) that you'd like to fuck. Sometimes it can be funny even to think about relatively ugly girls - just the funny revolting thought ("would I fuck that ugly girl?") can cause you to get aroused. Start imagining how you'd do that to them, while wanking.

Step 5 is important! When I first started wanking, I didn't think about that, and just continued rubbing expecting for the climax.. which many times didn't come because my dick became so sore.

6. Before the climax, you may notice that a natural lubrication material will quitely flow from your dick. It's a transparent, semi-oily material which comes in small doses and shouldn't be mistaken with the semen, which is white and gunky (and should come in big bursts). That material doesn't really help to masturbate actually, and will cause your dick to stick to your hands, making masturbation harder. So when that happens, pour some drops of water on your dick, which will remedy the situation. You can also try rubbing your hands on your tummy several times if you want to keep your dick dry.

7. After a while, you should reach the climax, where semen is squirted from your penis, and serotonin is emitted in your brain at the same time, resulting in an utermost pleasure feeling, whose only equivalent can be found in drugs.


Update: Some AC provided me with a site dedicated to the joy of wanking: You might want to check it for wanking tips and similar information.

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How to wank

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