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Journal Alioth's Journal: Sigh. 2

I snapped at someone last night. I don't do this often (in fact, years may go by between me snapping at someone).

But a combination of an awful 'low productivity week' at work (not a bad week as in stressful, or terrible, or any of the other generic bad work weeks. It was one of those weeks where I've felt there's been lots of lights and noise but NOTHING of any consequence got done). All I wanted to do last night, was play a bit of Enemy Territory to let off some steam, then snuggle up with my cats and sleep for 10 hours straight. But a friend had asked me a favour to make a few copies of a video DVD he had made, which required me to go down to a bar a mile or so away to drop them off. The last thing I wanted to do was have blaring music in my ear while trying to be sociable, conversation only possible at full volume. Having one beer, saying 'hi' to a few people who were in town for the weekend, and going home was my goal.

But of course this woman (who by the time I turned up had already got through quite a bit of booze) that I hardly know starts trying to force me to be sociable and I was just not in the mood. The subtle body language cues and the statement 'no I don't want to dance, thanks' etc. didn't seem to be enough of a hint. But fortunately she left me alone for a bit.

Then she came back and then starts having a go at me like I'm a naughty child for Not Having Fun and Not Being Sociable. I tried to explain that all I wanted to do was say hi to a few people, drop off the DVDs, have one beer then go home, but it wasn't enough and she kept persisting on to You Need Psychoanalysis Because You Are Not Having Fun At This Particular Moment In Time. Finally I had enough of being patronised and snarled at her a bit and got up to leave. I felt so much better after growling at her.

Why do some people think it's such a crime to not _always_ want to be out socializing, and _sometimes_ wanting a quiet night in, and that it's _not_ a crime to be feeling tired and wanting to get a good 10 hours sleep? Grrr.

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  • I snarled at my grandmother last week. She'd fallen ill again, and ended up calling to me forty-five minutes before my morning alarm was supposed to go off. I quickly got dressed and walked over to the other room, where she fired off four or five different things that she wanted done, only one of which was immediate. But after telling me the immediate item, she didn't let me go take care of it. Rather, she kept adding to my list things that didn't need to be done before I left for work, much less forty-
  • Is Not Fun.

    It really annoys me when people insist that "you must do X because we're doing it".

    I share your anger.

    It's almost as bad as "Mandatory Work Social Events" ....thankfully they're a thing of the past for me.


I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
