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Star Wars Prequels

Journal acroyear's Journal: Who Voted for JarJar?

In IMDB the poll today (Dec 27, 2002) had the question of "which mystery in a 2002 movie would you like to know the answer to?", with things like why does Dumbledore pick such lousy faculty (actually, in books 3 and 4, the dark arts teachers are great...but then again, the predictions teacher and the history guy who only talks about goblins revolutions is a bit much). The current winner as of 9am is "who voted for JarJar to be in the Senate".

Sorry, guys, but that's an easy one. As a result of the new alliance/union of the Gungans and the Naboo, the Naboo offered one of their seats to the Gungans. The Gungans voted for Jar Jar. Unanimously. To get him off the damn planet.


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Who Voted for JarJar?

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