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Journal Otter's Journal: Anti-Scientology Hackers Harass, Threaten Random Bystanders 2

The collection of script kiddies who "declared war" on the Church of Scientology last week instead harassed and threatened a California couple they mistook for one of their adversaries. An "Anonymous" spokesh4x0r apologized, setting off a lively debate between dueling cliques of hackers, joined by Scientologists. In hindsight, "whatcouldpossiblygowrong" seems like an odd omission from the tags on the original story here.
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Anti-Scientology Hackers Harass, Threaten Random Bystanders

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  • There's a comment here [] that links another one of their actions. The target provoked them some, but they really went beyond the bounds of what was appropriate.
    • by Otter ( 3800 )
      1) re your link: the notion that the target of their pathetic "hack" has a "heightened sense of self-importance" seems a bit, errr, projective.

      2) re Scientology: the anti-Scientologists always invoke the horrible attacks of Scientologists on others as justification for their own acts. Which may be true, but reading these stories I always can't help noting who is actually stalking whom. In any case, as the Wired link demonstrates, vigilantism probably shouldn't be left to complete retards like this bunch.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." -- The Wizard Of Oz
