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Journal Otter's Journal: 10 Good UNIX Usage Habits 2

IBM Developer Works has an article on 10 Good UNIX Usage Habits, for efficient command-line work. You'll probably find some of it familiar (I'm an xargs fiend already), some of it new (You can mkdir a whole path at once?) and some of it unnecessary (Ehh, I'll keep piping grep to wc -l anyway) but most users should get at least one thing out of it.
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10 Good UNIX Usage Habits

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  • I'm all looking at the bash manual to figure out how to descend the tree,
    and then I saw that I could just have find execute indent for me on the .c matches.
    UNIX is all about letting you know your cart and horse are reversed. ;)
    • by Otter ( 3800 )
      A criticism at Reddit (down now so I can't link it) nicely phrased what I was getting at with the grep -c vs. |wc -l bit: the whole point of Unix is that you get a horse and a cart and apply them in a standard way instead of having to remember that one particular cart happens to have a horse behind it.

New crypt. See /usr/news/crypt.
