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Journal Floyd Turbo's Journal: I give up

I've thrown in the towel, and will no longer be moderating or metamoderating on Slashdot. I was a good and diligent worker at both tasks, doing my little bit to make the community better for all of us, but no more.

Why? Because this morning I checked the site and found yet another double-posted story. The second double-posted story that this particular editor had put up in the last two or three days.

The "editors" who run this site clearly aren't making a bit of an effort to do a decent job, so I'm no longer willing to put in the effort to moderate. I've got better things to do with my time than try, on a volunteer basis, to improve the comments sections when the people who get paid to select the stories can't be bothered to do a simple search for the story they see in the queue before posting it to the front page.

Hey guys, tell me the one about how Slashdot isn't just another blog because of all the "professionals" who work so hard to produce the "journalism" on display here. I haven't heard that one in a while, and could use a good laugh.

Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
