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Journal Otter's Journal: Finally saw an OLPC; Gentoo is dying 9

  • I was just walking through MIT and saw, for the first time, someone working on an OLPC. Seeing the thing in reality, I'm even less convinced by the conspiracy theories about how a terrified Bill Gates is trying to destroy it -- it looks like a pack of Altoids with a monitor in the lid.
  • The slow-motion trainwreck of Gentoo continues. It's sad, as Gentoo at its peak was a great distribution and one of the most helpful communities in the open-source world. Back to CentOS for me, I think.
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Finally saw an OLPC; Gentoo is dying

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  • I'm sure that the cosmetic appearance of the OLPC could and still can be changed, if that were so desired. Again, they designed this thing for kids, but the hardware and software works well enough for (some) adults to use.
    • by Otter ( 3800 )
      Actually, I liked the styling. It's the design as a whole that to me looks really awkward to base a child's entire education around.

      I just walked by the guy, though, and didn't take a close look, let alone use it.

  • Some charismatic fellow will make it fashionable again.
    • by Otter ( 3800 )
      Fashionable, maybe, but making it functional again will be an uphill battle.
      • To say that Gentoo, the distro, is not functioning is simply untrue.
        The paperwork for the foundation certainly requires some effort, dunno about 'uphill battle'.
        The mindshare of the distro is a third conversation.

[Crash programs] fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month. -- Wernher von Braun
