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Journal bmasel's Journal: Vote Dodd in Michigan, fight wiretaps

So what if he's withdrawn, he's still on the ballot, and there's no delegates at stake anyhow.

15% for Dodd would send a message to Michigan's Senators, Reps, and hopefully the rest of the Congressional Dems that an extension of wiretap authority is unacceptable. It's not just immunity, Reid's now, according to the Wall Street Journal, going to put up an 18 month extension of the Protect America Act, extending authority for warrantless taps.

The "problem" the bill was intended to fix, a FISA Court decision requiring warrants for foreign to foreign calls transiting US soil, is no big deal. If there's reason to believe the calls sare terrorist communications, there's still a process for getting FISA warrants.

Pass nothing, let the stinker expire.

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Vote Dodd in Michigan, fight wiretaps

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