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Journal red5's Journal: Checking messages. 6

I just checked my cell phone messages. I got two on saturday from my mates. One from Heineken about this DJ party he threw at a club. 18 lots of fine honeys (I've got to learn to check my messages more). The other was from Oenophile just to say what's up. This is strangely ironic because when I went to see Equilibrium I was in his hood and dropped by his flat. He didn't answer the door.

I went to see Equilibrium as I've said. I had a few hours to kill till my sisters christmas party. I got tired of sitting around the house so I decided to go see a movie. So I hopped on the redline and was about to head off to the ArcLight.

I saw that Equilibrium was playing soonest. I remembered the commercials touting it as the next matrix and though it would be a cheesy knockoff. I'm glad to say is wasn't (well it's more a knockoff of 1984). It's a pretty cool movie in it's own right.

After that I went home. My dad rented a few movies on VHS ("Eraserhead", "The attack of the 5'2" women", and "The cars that eat paris"). We watched Eraserhead which is a weird David Linch movie (redundant I know) then Attack of the 5'2" Women which is a low brow National Lampoon film (ah redundant again).

At around midnight my sister's boyfriend showed up and drove me to the party. We talked about this project we're doing and he told me about another one he landed that might actually pay. It's basically making a scene for an actresses' demo reel. It's great because it gives me a taste of the editing thing before we work on the big project.

When we got there and the party was well underway (hell if the party isn't going at 12 you got problems). My sisters male flatmate didn't recognize me with the beard. He started introducing himself then stopped short. "Wait I know you."

I helped my sisters female flatmate hang a few pictures in her room. It's sort of a tradition that I hit on her. She always tells me I'm too young for her. Well anyway I managed to persuade her to kiss me. In her room of course (she didn't want her friends to know). I'm still not sure how I did that. God I'm smooth when I'm drunk. :)

Then she walked in. The girl I've been half avoiding, half lamenting for a year or so now. I think lamenting is a strong word. but I can't find another one that describes the feeling. It's sort of like a "gee I wonder what she's doing these days", "hmm I wonder if I'll bump into her here" every now and again. I don't long for her to call me, ask around about her or any lame shit like that.

I looked the other way in the hope that she wouldn't recognize me. Almost worked too. She was walking away when I continued my conversation with the guy across from me. My voice gave me away. DAMN!

So we got to talking. She's still using the computer I built for her two years ago. It was her 20th birthday and I had almost all the parts lying in my basement. We gave each other the quick update of our lives over the past year. Then I went back to where I was sitting. The real tragic thing is that she would make a great friend if I didn't hate her. Oh well my loss I suppose.

At about this point I finished my 6-7th beer and switched to wine then I did a tequila shot (salt no lime had to settle for a lemon).

Hangovers... It was really bad in the morning but worked itself out during the day. By the end of the day I was about 90%.

My dad and I began to watch "The cars that eat paris", but it sucked. In stead we watched my copy of "Reservoir Dogs". I'm not sure if any of you caught this before but the opening scene at the dinner is were they stole the cafe scene for swordfish.

They say the measure of a good job is that it challenges you to find out new things about yourself. Well today I learned that I actually can fit through a 8.5" x 17.5" hole. We needed to get under this house and that was the only opening we could find. Since my dad though there was no way anybody could get through there.

My mom keeps getting on my case about what I'm going to do with my life. Well this is my basic principal for a perfect life.

What is stopping you from going to Cancun (or wherever) tomorrow? Every reason is you have is a reason why you are not truly free. My plan is to have as few of those as possible till I settle down and start a family (I'd say thats about the only reason thats worth it).

Till I'm about ~30 I'd love to:
  • work 6 month a year.
  • Live in a crappy one bedroom apartment (if possible have another one in a different country. Canada perhaps )
  • Earn 20-40K.
  • Travel to places that are cool but, aren't trendy. Like Bulgaria, Syria, and China (okay perhaps not China).
  • Live a life with as few attachments as possible.

Once I'm ~30 I'll begin my actual career. Settle down and start a family. It would be the perfect life. If only I had the balls to do it.

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Checking messages.

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  • all you have to do is tell someone 'this is what I want to do' and then, magically, pride kicks in and you have to do it or look like a foolish liar.

    okay, it's 6am and I haven't slept yet, so that probably wasn't as eloquently as I could've said it... but I do mean it. Once I finally worked up the courage to tell everyone what I wanted to do, no matter how outlandish my family (still) thinks it is, the reality that 'gee, it's not a secret anymore. I better get my ass in gear now' kicks in.
    • all you have to do is tell someone 'this is what I want to do' and then, magically, pride kicks in and you have to do it or look like a foolish liar.

      I guess the problem is I never actually wanted to do any one thing for very long. I've gone through. Animation, Programming, DJing, and now film making. I'm considered the bright unfocused child of my family.

  • If you have some time and want to live the life you describe (before 30), you should remain a student.

    Have you considered coming to a European university to pursue some studies ? There are great schools and universities around, and Europeans are very good at foreign exchange programs. You shouldn't have a problem to find a university sponsoring you, if you browse around. IMHO Europe could be fun (and I could see what you look like ;)

    • Cool idea, but before I can go to university I have to get a diploma. I've been meaning to do that one of these days. I'll keep it in mind though.
      • Back when I was a research MSc student, I taught first and second year university students in addition to my own research work and studies. Most of my students were fresh from high-school, so had just their A-Levels. I trust that you have at least that level...?

        That was the whole point in enroling to university past that point: get yourself in a 4-years course and get a Degree in computing science :)

        • We don't call them 'A-Levels' here but I'm pretty sure I don't have the them. I stoped school at around 16. So I have some catching up to do.

          All is not lost however because there are a few comunity colages in my area that offer those courses ( grades 11-12 ) Since I'm a wee bit smarter than your avarage teenager I should be able to get through them in under a year.

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
