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Journal red5's Journal: Fear the Cleric. 5

I saw Equilibrium. When I first saw the trailer that compared it to the matrix. I though it would be a knockoff. I can tell you it's not, but I see what they meant.

So if you want some quick paced, dual desert eagle, post apocalyptic action look no further. God I sound like a quote whore. Anyhow this is one I'm picking up on DVD.

It's cool, but the online trailer gives away to much. If you want go see it. Trust in red5 the less you know the better.
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Fear the Cleric.

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  • The guy I had lunch with yesterday just recommended that movie to me. Said he was reluctantly dragged to it, but thought it was great. Orwellian knockoffs are right up my alley =]

    Anyway, now the deal is closed. I will see the movie sometime within the next week or two. And no, I haven't even seen the trailer.

    • by red5 ( 51324 )
      Orwellian knockoffs are right up my alley

      I was going to mention that, but I didn't want to give away too much.

      Anyway, now the deal is closed. I will see the movie sometime within the next week or two. And no, I haven't even seen the trailer.

      Don't the tv spots were great. Shows you everything but tells you nothing. However the internet trailer (that I saw after the movie) gives away too much if you ask me. Then again I love to show up at a movie and have no idea what the movie is about.
  • They aren't playing that movie anywhere near me.

    Perhaps I should just start a road trip.

    • Me too. I live in what is alleged to be a major metropolitan area (DC), and it's NOWHERE nearby.
      • The theater I saw it in is only showing it on the weekends. I can only find one in town still showing it during the week. Another thing of note is that most of the theaters in your area ( zip 20001 ) aren't displaying showtimes on moviefone/yahoo.

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