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Journal red5's Journal: It's a man's life in electrical contracting... 4

I was watching the tube the other day and one of those Bally's commercials came on. You know the ones. Advertising "Bally total fitness" . I went through the regular mental motions. "Gee I should exercise more." "I'm okay now but if I let my self go I'll look just like my parents." "Hey if I had a body like that I'd get lade like every day." Then when I reached for the remote to end this guilt/shame feast, I noticed something. My arm was sore. Wait, not just my arm but all those little muscles up my side as well.

Then I glanced over at my dad. Other than the gut he's built like an ox. Now that I think about it when was the last time you saw an ox with a flat stomach? You see for once I have a job that doesn't require "working out" all I have to do is work.

I figure if I decide to go into this for good (or evil). All I have to do is run on weekends to maintain a "bod".
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It's a man's life in electrical contracting...

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  • STFU and have another drink. If you were straight, and saw a Bally's ad, all you'd be thinking is "I'd do her, and her, and her, and... her."

    I'd prefer to be a plumber. Then I'd always have a place to keep my pencil.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • If you were straight, and saw a Bally's ad, all you'd be thinking is "I'd do her, and her, and her, and... her."
      I've never seen a Bally's advert, now I understand the "If I had a body like that I could get laid" statement and "I'd do her, and her, and her at the same time, and her, and her sister" with that little bit.

      Sometimes I think I should start watching TV.

      I'd prefer to be a plumber. Then I'd always have a place to keep my pencil.
      That's wrong. Very Very wrong.
    • by red5 ( 51324 )
      Done, I figured that went without saying, and ewwww.

Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.
