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United States

Journal mickeyreznor's Journal: Is Left-Libretarian contradictory?

I've decided to re-evaluate how libretarian am i, since i have been having some doubts. Anyways i just took the issue stances and saw how much i agreed or disagree with.
Political Corruption: Agree completely.
Crime: Agree completely.
Drugs:Wholeheartadly agree.
Economy and Unemployment: Agree mostly, though i don't share the belief that min. wage causes unemployment.
Education: I'd rather keep public education, abliet with much less government interference, and would rather just make K-12 education non-mandatory.
Environment: This one surprised me, not because the government is the worst polluter, but rather that the LP seems to imply support for environmental laws. Quite different from and objectivist attitude of "anyone who cares about the environment is an irrational idiot".
Foreign Policy: Makes sense.
Freedom of speech: If you know me you know my stance on it.
Gun Laws: I more or less have the same philosophy as Redpath. Unsure if this is inline with LP's stance.
Health Care: Agree - Fuck you bill clinton.
Immigration: Agree. Just kill the welfare welcome wagon and everything will be alright.
National Defense: Agree.
Welfare: Agree.
Social Security: Social security bad.
Taxes: I guess libretarian's official stance is "cut all taxes", but i think unofficially most of them have realized that it's not very realistic to do so, at least not right away.
Free Trade: This one is mixed. I'm pretty resistance to the idea of "unrestricted capitalism". I agree that massive government interference causes more harm than good, but at the same time, i feel that all types of power should be held in check, whether it be from a government or a corporation.

I guess i agree with enough to be considered a libretarian, albiet with some leftist leanings. So, what's your opinion, is the term Left-Libretarian contradictory, and am I just spewing oxymoronic ideas?

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Is Left-Libretarian contradictory?

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