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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: looped out 4

Closest thing you'll get to a drunk post from me is this one... Decongestant post.

I've got some sort of thing. It started off as a chest/cough thing for a few weeks. I think it has migrated to the sinuses now. Took some decongestants for the first time in probably a year. Now I remember why I don't like them. Totally brain-fried. They should be wearing off soon, but it's kind of screwed up my day.

I guess since I've admitted to husband's entire family that I am writing now, I can admit it to the rest of the world. Kind of embarrassing really, especially since they will probably continue to ask me questions about it. (holy crap, it just took me like 5 tries to use the spell checker to fix the word "embarrassing", I am that out of it from the decongestants.) It's killing my word count, which I am already behind.

Context: http://nanowrimo.org/

So now everyone knows but my family. I'd feel bad about that, but whatever. Reading that book that everyone's always suggesting to me made me realize it's kind of their fault that I don't really know what I'm doing.

I want to take a nap.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

looped out

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  • That is very, very cool. Myself, The Fun Guy, and Stoolpigeon have all completed it in years past. If you need extra encouragement down the stretch, by all means send me an e-mail. shadow dot wrought at g mail dot com. I would also love to read it some day if you're willing, and will happily reciprocate.


    • Thanks for the comment!

      I didn't quite make it this year. I was a couple hundred over 45k at about noon on Nov 30. So I figured that rather than try to force myself to write another 5k and stress and probably still end up short, I'd just call it quits and relax my brain. I'm still pretty proud, and I made myself a certificate. Mostly it's exciting because I've doubled the length of my novel now.

      I finished what I had imagined the end would be during nanowrimo, and began what I think I will split

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Thanks! :-)

      I didn't quite make the 50k. I got to 45k on the last day, and the writer's block got me, so I decided to just call it quits rather than stress all day, and probably end up under anyways. I'm really proud of myself though. I even made myself my own certificate, since they don't reward anything other than 50k on the website.

      For December, now I'm going to go back and edit everything I had written 10 years ago in the novel to go with what I wrote in November. I had some serious change i

The only perfect science is hind-sight.
