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Journal DaedalusHKX's Journal: Look at the back page. 1

Every time something hits the news, in ANY country, that has any scandalous value, LOOK AT THE BACK PAGE. Something is being buried. To paraphrase Houdini, "its all about misdirection." There hasn't been a single scandal in the country that hasn't signalled some small grievance committed by the lawmakers or their enforcers. (USA here, but European and "free world" countries all have similar propaganda arms called "news outlets".)

Most recent major fiasco, that lovely piece of lawmaker mayhem, MARK FOLEY... sure he was going to hump some little kid, but the question to be asked is WHY would the senate (who've long been taking turns fucking the American people) throw one of their own kind under the bus? What would drive them to do this? Hmmm... September 28, in the dark of night (reminiscent of the 1913 Federal Reserve act passed in the middle of winter recess) the Military Comissions Act was passed. Sure, no issue, after all, America has been under military rule since about 1867 or so. It was just made "official" now.

However, as always, how to you distract attention from such a wanton crime? You sacrifice a pawn! You throw one of your fellow boy fucking senators under the bus. Or better yet, he throws himself under the bus. The good senator resigned on September 29... Odd? It wasn't that he was busy fucking some little boy or writing steamy emails, his fellow senators and representatives were busy fucking the whole of the American people. Yet nobody made note of it until sometime later, when CNN finally saw it in their good graces to bring it to attention. Like almost everything else, it is brought up later, when people view it as a "done deal". It is never brought up while it is done, or immediately thereafter, unless it is not really that important.

O.J. Simpson recently hit the news... main story!! Who gives a damn about O.J. and his continued search for "tha real killah??" What was on the back page? A little known piece about the recent machinations of the international bankers and the Federal Reserve. Some stuff about rates and legislature being changed to keep the money presses going, yet shafting the American saver and those with nest eggs (like old people who thought they wouldn't have to depend on Medicare or Social Security, are they ever going to be in for a surprise!)

Every time a major sensational article hits the front pages READ THE BACK PAGES, SOMETHING IS BEING COVERED UP, and the SHEEP WILL BUY IT. It is up to you to choose whether you'll be a sheep, bleating to be fleeced, milked and butchered. The info is always available.

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Look at the back page.

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