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Journal Samrobb's Journal: INS Absurdity 1

My three daughters were born in China, so this story of gross incompetence and arrogance strikes close to home:

Sandi Sheldon and her husband traveled to China to adopt their daughter Hannah. After finalizing the adoption, her husband was hospitalized, and then died of complications related to his diabetes. This is a horrible situation, to be sure, but is made even worse by the fact that the US consulate in Guangzhou is now refusing to issue her daughter an entry visa for the US. The consulate insists that she must submit new visa paperwork, and says that they cannot make any guarantees that the visa for her new daughter (which was already approved once) will actually be approved again.

More details available here.

The family is asking for assistance in the matter - a call to Sandi's representatives in the House and Senate. Many times, in situations like this, the only thing that results in any real activity to resolve the issue is pressure from an elected official. If your a US citizen, and you have the time to read up on the story, please take a few minutes more to contact Sandi's representatives and your own representatives to let them know you expect to see this issue resolved quickly.

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INS Absurdity

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  • Is among the less impressive corners of the US government.
    My spouse is from Germany.
    The delays and uncertainty would be less troublesome if they were not so quick to cash a check.

"If anything can go wrong, it will." -- Edsel Murphy
