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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Going camping 3

I do, occasionally, like to get out and breathe fresh air. So, this weekend I am using a contrived excuse of going to see the Leonid meteor shower, as a way to get people together to go camping. The shower is supposed to peak in the wee hours of the morning on Sunday (PST). While this year is not predicted to be a spectacular year, nor are the viewing conditions going to be perfect; what the hell, it only happens once a year, and it is still fun to see a few meteors in the sky. And a bad day camping beats the hell out of a good day most other places.
So, I am going to be heading out Friday afternoon with my wife and a few friends to Joshua Tree National Monument. Exactly when depends on when I get done with the interviews that I have to sit in on for work. Setup and relax for the evening. Hopefully, there won't be any fire restrictions, so we can have a camp fire. After all, it's not camping if you aren't burning stuff. Besides which, it's going to be cold, so a fire is damn near a necessity. Saturday, I hope to sleep in, and then we'll probably play games (Phase 10 and Settlers of Catan go everywhere with us) or maybe hike a bit; and, just generally enjoy being nowhere near civilization. That night we'll stay up and watch the show, and then break camp and go home Sunday. Gonna be cold, but it should be a lot of fun.
Anyone else got plans for the meteor shower?
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Going camping

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  • My buddy's motto when building a fire is that if you cannot see it from space, you're just not trying;-) If you have a group with you, I'd also recommend picking up a pack of Fluxx. Its a pretty fun game for a group.
    • My buddy's motto when building a fire is that if you cannot see it from space, you're just not trying;-)

      There's another kind?

      I'm going to have to pickup a copy of Fluxx, I had never heard of it before, but its right up our alley. Thanks.
  • I have no plans for the meteor shower - but I do have a story.

    My dad played a huge joke on my mom. We were camping out in the woods in the middle of nowhere. Turned out to be during the Perseid meteor shower - right around August 12. As the camp fire died down, the sky was very dark, and the meteors were bright. The quantity of meteors was so large, that my mom wondered how this could possibly be.

    With a perfectly straight face, my dad said "Probably a U.F.O. invasion. Meteors, you only see one, maybe two.

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