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NGO to ICN to LAX to SLC

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  • ...and I have to side with Reaperducer. When you throw out a huge claim like "Google was funded by the CIA", then the burden is on you to include a SPECIFIC and REPUTABLE link backing it up. Telling people to use Google to find it themselves is just wrong (particularly if you really think it's true, sheesh think about it).
    • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
      I guess you missed this comment [slashdot.org]...

      • by frankie ( 91710 )
        Umm... showing that Google bought companies which previously received funding from the CIA absolutely does NOT prove your claims that "CIA helped Google from the very beginning" or "how tight they are with NGIA".

        You over-reached by a great deal. It would be equally fair to say, for example, that BWJones is being funded by the Mormon Church to implant computers into people's brains. [bionicwomanfanatic.com]
        • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
          Francis, I don't know what to tell you other than to simply reiterate what I've posted before complete with my previous disclaimer made very early in the discussion where I said "I am leaving it up to the reasonably capable reader to find the references as my understanding of the background comes via first hand knowledge that has no citable sources. Take that for what you value it for,"

          By making that disclaimer, I don't think you could call that over-reaching by any stretch. As for implanting computers int

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
