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Journal bugnuts's Journal: iPhone landmine updated

I took up the fight to recover the $550 data bill I received while on travel for 10 days, while my iphone dutifully and silently received lots of email and spam and so on every 30 minutes.

Initially, ATT offerred a $150 courtesy credit, which I took but mentioned that I'd be calling them back. I did so when they threatened to cut off my service. My terms were actually forgiving. While on travel, it was possible to get wifi for $15/day, so if I had purchased it there it would've cost $150. That is what I offered to pay ATT for the data charges. An argument with the customer representative ensued, but I did not back down. My point was simple: I couldn't turn it off without losing functionality unrelated to the data service. Forcing me to turn the phone off completely means I lose the iPod features, and leaving it in airplane mode means I lose the wifi and bluetooth features.

The customer service rep filed a dispute on my behalf, but I had little confidence she would forward my complaint and reasons (since she had been arguing against them with me for 10 minutes). However, she told me what was in the report and it included what I had stated.

I'm happy to report that ATT reversed all the data charges from what I can tell. I may have been charged interest for late payment, but I'm not even certain of that until I see the full itemized bill. It appears they didn't take my offer of paying $150.

My recommendation if this happens to someone else is to remember that this is a financial issue... do not lose your cool. There's always someone higher you can take this to, even if that means a judge. Like an insurance adjuster, the customer service rep is not your friend and will do everything possible to screw you, but it's not personal. Don't take offense or be offensive, because in my case this person actually forwarded my complaint to a higher department. You don't want this person emotionally involved enough to want you to lose. Have your defense in mind, and always fall back on it if you are being dragged into a different argument... that may even involve simply repeating yourself every few minutes. If it's clear you are going nowhere, ask to escalate it up the chain and ask if you need to send a written request. Good luck.

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iPhone landmine updated

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