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Journal Jack William Bell's Journal: RoAR-ing UT2K3

One of the biggest complaints about the new version of Unreal Tournament 2003 (UT2K3) is the fact they removed 'Assault' mode from the game when they added the 'Bombing Run' style gameplay. (The other big complaint is that the new sniper rifles give your position away, but how you feel about that depends on whether you like to snipe or not.)

Now UT is just about the only game I spend any time with and I usually play 'classic' UT because I prefer to play Assault maps. The combination of a first person shooter (FPS) with game-based tactics and some strategic thinking is what makes the game fun for me. UT2K3 has amazing graphics and interesting game play, no doubt about it, but even Bombing Run isn't as much fun as good old Assault.

Luckily the RoAR team agrees. They have been working on a major Mod for UT2K3 to support Assault-style play and are nearing completion. Soon I may find myself retiring classic UT while I move on to playing Assault on UT2K3.

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RoAR-ing UT2K3

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