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The Military

Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: rage subsiding 12

"Good feelings gone."

All though the rage is slowly disapating as well.

I am so frustrated right now with the apartment people. Again.

We had a few days without music, but then last night it was blasting again. The general loudness never stopped.

So I go back to the office with a pair of complaint forms filled out. I have to talk to the bitch office lady because the nice one was on the phone.

I'll have you know she raised her voice first. She's always so rude. The "you don't stand a crap's chance" phrase will stick in my mind forever.

Essentially she's now passing the buck onto her boss, and she wants us all to have a nice sit-down and work things out.

I don't think he'll be willing to do this because he doesn't answer his door when we go to ask him to turn it down.

I am unwilling to do this, because then he will know for a fact what we look like and that it is us that have been complaining, and I fear retribution.

I also know that this meeting isn't going to solve anything and that things will be the same way afterwards as they are now. Experience with other assholes taught me this.

Besides, husband made our desires known to the idiot upstairs in a notice he left him our second week here. "Quiet between 11pm and 7am." Not unreasonable.

Also, I call bullshit on him "only having a little am/fm clock radio" because it is louder than that. He must be playing it through his TV on a dvd player or something, and his TV must have very large speakers.

Or else he never did remove his stereo. Or he has it back. And I'd bet money that no one went up there to check on it.

So now office bitch wants us to work out "some kind of 50/50". I don't want to work it out. I shouldn't have to be the one to compromise when I am not bothering anyone.

Why do nightmares always repeat themselves?

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

rage subsiding

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  • I've always just called the police on the noisy assholes when I lived in an apartment.
    • I should have been doing that from the beginning, because he would have been arrested after the first month. The problem is that the office bitch told us they did not want us to contact the police and that they would deal with it. The way they said it made it sound as though if we contacted the police first that the office would consider it a lease violation. It was just an odd way that she phrased it, saying we would get "noticed" which is what they do when someone has broken the rules.

      And then the

      • That royally sucks, and I understand exactly how you feel.

        I've been in crappy living arrangements like that before and it's enough to drive you insane.

        Of course, in the very last apartment I was in, the neighbor who was annoyingly loud sometimes was a cop and his girlfriend. No use calling the police then.

        Have you checked the local housing prices? My mortgage payment is only a few hundred dollars more than what my rent was. I know "a few hundred dollars" is a huge amount for some people, but it might be
        • Thanks for your sympathy. I actually really needed to hear from someone that they understood.

          Wow, a cop that is noisy? You'd think that having to enforce noise violations that he would realize what a pest he was being. I guess he was just an asshole though.

          There are actually a lot of good houses in our price range. We would probably have to pay about 50% more than our current rent, for a mortgage payment, but we've been saving more than that, so it wouldn't put much of a burden on our spending

          • Well, mostly it was the cop's girlfriend. It's not that they were malicious, it's just that they were totally clueless. Well, she played music pretty late, and he came in from the swing shift at 2:00 AM with his boots on and stomping on the floor above. But the worst was their home gym. Above the extra bedroom I had turned into a home office they had turned into a gym. You could tell by the sounds that they had weights and a treadmill/stairmaster/some other cardio machine. He'd exercise for about an
            • It is the stomping here that is particularly bad. The man paces for the 20 hours out of 24 that he is awake almost incessantly. His ~4 hours of sleep usually occur in the range of 8am to 2pm.

              The problem is, that the music is malicious. He knows that people are complaining, and he'll sit at his window until he sees someone leave, and then turn it off so that the office people do not catch him. He did this the other night too, when we called the cops. He admitted to the officer that he saw the car p

      • Call the police. You've been "instructed" by the office lady, so do it. I assume you've told your husband that the lady told you to call the police, so suggest that it's time. You're trying to make this home work, and this is the next step.

        Basically, unload this all on her boss, too. Be civil about it... emotionless as possible. You were instructed to use the system. The problem was fixed for only a few days. Nothing has been done, since. The lady told you you should have been calling the police, basically
        • We did end up calling the police on thursday, which was his next offense since my last writing. Unfortunately he has had the cops called on him by other residents so when he saw the car pull in, he turned it off to avoid getting caught. He volunteered that to the officer. This would also explain why it is always off when I convince the office bitch to come down here: he sees me leave and her coming back and turns it off. I guess after 2+ years, he's figured out how to work the system. We didn't tell t

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • What exactly did you say to the police to get them to show up like that? I do suspect that this guy is buying and/or selling drugs, as he has a rather stereotypical (for this area) visitor that pops by every week or two and does not stay longer than 5 minutes.

              At this point, I don't know if they would evict him, even if he was convicted on drug charges. But if he was in jail, my apartment would definitely be quieter.

          • Hope things get better.
            Keep us posted.

A CONS is an object which cares. -- Bernie Greenberg.
