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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Tech questions 5

First of all, sorry everyone for the rather emo posts last week. I had an epiphany this morning. I feel a lot better now. So hopefully I'll be able to get on track now.

Now to the tech questions. I had two, but for some reason I can only remember one now. It's about the new release of Ubuntu.

My upgrade to Feisty had gone off without a hitch earlier in the year. The one thing that it kept prompting me about was the fact that it couldn't load my icons, which I guess had just been relocated, because on reboot everything was fine. The upgrade to the new release, which I will call Grumpy (I say they should have named it Grumpy Groundhog, which ended up being more appropriate anyways) was not smooth.

During the install, which husband had me do from a disk, it continuously prompted me about things that were broken or missing, etc, and husband had to set the installer back on track several times because it was messing around and not using the right repositories.

Anyways, to the point. I didn't use any of the terrible eyecandy for the desktop effects. They make me dizzy, so it should not have been installed for the computer to upgrade. But it apparently went and installed and activated Xgl anyways. Even though I don't have desktop effects on (that I know about, it may have gone and done that for me too) this nice little Xgl is eating my ram up. And it keeps taking more and more. And then it crashes X so I have to log back in again. Today it didn't do a very "clean" crash so that when I logged back in, I couldn't use firefox or anything that had been running before because the computer helpfully informed me they were already running, and I had to restart.

Has anyone else had this problem? (I don't know how many Ubuntu users there are on my list here, and I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who does not want to use these fancy desktop effects.)

The reason it makes me so mad, is that it crashes every time I am using blender, and sometimes I don't get to save my work before it goes bye-bye.

And it was released with a nearly non-functional "Release candidate" for the Gimp. There's probably more. They shouldn't have been so chained to their release schedule. If they had just pushed it back a couple more weeks it would have been much better. I'm hoping that Hungry Hippos will be better.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Tech questions

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Well, the short of it is that I'm not alone. I've been feeling like I've been alone my whole life, and I realized I can choose not to feel that way anymore. (A bit of an oversimplification, and I know it's not going to be as easy as flipping a switch.)

      I feel kind of stupid that it too me this long to reach this point. The worst of it is that I got so emotionally upset this morning that I felt very physically ill. And then it just kind of dawned on me like a ton of bricks falling from the sky.


  • I'm using openSuSE 10.3, and having trouble. I like the twirly effects, but the last few reboots, I get an unusable screen of all white, plus a mouse cursor, and that's it. I really don't know if the problem is Xgl or Compiz. All I really know is that it isn't working. I've spent a few days trying to uninstall and then re-install all the appropriate pieces, and it is going badly.

    At the moment, I'm using FVWM window manager, because that's the only one that works. Although, it maps ctrl-arrow to mouse curso

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
