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  • I agree about the gulf in service between US and international airlines. On the other hand, some international airlines are moving to the low cost model (the Wal-Mart infection is spreading). A friend recently flew Iberia Airlines from UK to Spain and the airline actually charged for water. The US fear of silverware is ludicrous -- I've gotten some plastic disposable knives on some flights that were far sharper than any standard metal table knife. But I guess its all for the appearance of security.

    • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
      I've always wanted to fly in first rows in a 747 to get a somewhat forward looking view but have never been able to justify the price of true first class.

      Oh, I don't think that I could *ever* justify to myself, buying a seat up there...even if I were filthy, obscenely wealthy.

      Nice pictures, as always. The daylight great circle route to Asia is fun if the cloud cover isn't bad. Some of the Aleutian islands can be spectacular.

      Thanks.... I was a bit disappointed with the clouds and I really was hoping to see
  • Service has got so bad on domestic airlines because airline travel demand is so highly elastic - people will switch carriers just to save $5. While that goes on, an airline that charges more and has first class service has only one thing to look forward to: bankruptcy.

    Long-haul will normally be better, whatever the airlines. Contrast British Airways domestic flights with their long haul ones - the difference is like night and day, even in steerage (all my long haul flights these days are funded by me, and I

Single tasking: Just Say No.
