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Journal Spy der Mann's Journal: Goodbye, Winamp - Good morning, Audacious! 1

Finally I found a great Winamp clone for Linux. It's called Audacious. So far it works out of the box, and you can use winamp skins for it (but some commandline wizardry is required - you need to use root permisions to write in the /usr/share/audacious/skins directory. Then make a directory for the skin, and unzip the winamp skin you downloaded onto that directory).

Right now I'm using the Winamp 5 skin with audacious. And guess what - it's IDENTICAL TO WINAMP! No white borders around it nor anything. If this wasn't Linux, I would SWEAR it's winamp (Even the titlebar says "WINAMP", lol)

I had tried XMMS without success before, and it kept crashing (i mean closing) on me no matter what Linux flavor it run on. But Audacious is just what I was looking for. Simple. Easy. Fast.

Linux is starting to feel like home now. (Now if only found out how to get rid of this shift+numpad arrows = number behavior with the keyboard...)

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Goodbye, Winamp - Good morning, Audacious!

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  • Audacious loses the playlist when closing. Fortunately that's fixed in 1.4. I'll just have to wait for it when it appears in the repos. It's interesting to see that many "linux problems" aren't of Linux per-se, but of the applications. Maybe that's why most people don't switch? Because instead of blaming the apps they blame the OS?

The cost of feathers has risen, even down is up!
