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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: A bit of blender art 4

Here's just a couple of things I prepared the other day, but didn't get a chance to post up until now due to slow internet.

Finished Sword. I like it. It's shiney.

Finished Wine Table scene. I even surprised myself on this one. I think I forgot to mention in the dA description that the floor material is modified from one I got from Meta-Androcto on the blender artist's forum. The rest I did all by myself though.

I like the word finished. It makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something.

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A bit of blender art

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  • And you DID accomplish something. Having a need to be creative means needing to use it. Using a computer you already have, with free software, is about the cheapest way one can create art. Well done!
    • Thanks!

      I am hoping that if I stare at the pictures long enough, I'll get back into the creative mode. It may be the cheapest way to create art, but it's certainly not the easiest! I find that blender seems to be much more rewarding in the end than the writing has been (which I just recently picked up again). So blenderizing it shall be!

GIVE: Support the helpless victims of computer error.
