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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: I know I'm speechless 14

Humorous article I ran across last night. 100 reasons Vista will leave you speechless. It's from the microsoft website, so it's meant to be taken seriously. I was speechless from laughter a few times. Plus, I thought the old media player was atrocious, so the 50% of entries about that failed to impress me.

Plus I really hope that number 90 does mean what I think it means. If you can still access your computer while it is off, then you are never really safe.

Writing this because real life is really disappointing, stressing, frustrating, and all other negativity, right now. I guess I had too good a time for my birthday. Now everything just looks like shit.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

I know I'm speechless

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Sorry if I made you sad kormoc. :-( It just seems like a whole multitude of things have decided they would go wrong all at the same time (specifically: health, fear for a friend, apartment stress, relationship stress, and a few others). Too much to cope with I guess. Trying to get back on track though. Thank you for your well wishes. I have missed you.

  • #7 Makes me think of Windows DRM. Screenshot? Nah.

    I suppose that it also made me think of the value of memories; if your life isn't wholly shit, there'll always be something to cheer you up!

    • In actuality my life isn't actually shit. It just feels like shit all the time. Blah for serotonin deficiencies. Spell checker says I spelled serotonin wrong, but doesn't offer any applicable suggestions.

      I suppose it's time to jump back on the hypoglycemia diet. I've been breaking the "no cake" rule for like a week now, for my birthday. (Un)fortunately I got 2 cakes this year (husband made one, parents brought one) so it's still not even gone yet. Maybe this shit spree is related to that.

      • The best part of no-cake rules is that frosting isn't cake. :)
        • :-D thank you also for a smile! Fortunately, husband didn't use all of the chocolate icing on the cake he made, so I won't have to break the no-cake rule to get my sugar fix!

          And now I can look forward to Thanksgiving too, because pies don't break the no-cake rule either. Awesome!

          • When I was a lad, I used to bake often. I'd make cakes and pastries a couple times a month, and so frosting was often left over. Since I was the only one who used the frosting, I had the naive idea that it was my frosting - so in the course of the week after I baked a cake, I would sneak frosting as a treat. Until I got caught. My mother made me eat the entire can of frosting (which turned out to have enough for another cake, yikes!). I became ill afterward, and never did it again. I guess it's ironic that
            • I don't usually like the frosting they put on the cakes you can by premade and frosted at bakeries and such. Well, I like it ok, but there is usually way way too much. But husband likes it, so sometimes we trade plates so I can eat his extra bit of cake, and he can have my extra bit of frosting.

              I do, however, like the canned frostings. I could probably also eat the whole thing and come out the other end still liking it. (Don't tell husband, but I used to buy the canned frosting and hide it in the b

  • Check out the baby penguin []. Baby penguins make everyone happy...
    • *Hugs* thanks so much for that, it was just what I needed! He's so fluffy and cute and fuzzy and chubby.

      PS: I looked through some of your other photos. They're all fantastic. And how on earth do you get the animals to hold still?!

      • And how on earth do you get the animals to hold still?!
        #7. Tuxette is obviously using Vista.


      • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
        And how on earth do you get the animals to hold still?!

        Hehehe... I didn't. The darn animals kept moving all the time. Especially the birds. They would move or fly away or something once I got the camera in focus. But I still managed a lot of nice shots. Glad you enjoyed them!

In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
