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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Transformers and PotD 2

I love Transformers. Go watch it, you will not be sorry.

I know it seems like it would be a silly juvenile movie, but it really has a good story line, good character development, and explosions!

Pictures of the day, a few extra to make up for the weekend.

Nyx by ~Swaroop. It's not a photograph.

Crooked Forest by *crazymonkey-christy. I like the shadows.

Lounging Elk by =CrazyMonkey-Ben. Because I've never seen Elk before.

Royal Green by ~antipex. Kind of Middle-Earth-ish.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Transformers and PotD

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  • Sure looks real to me.

    We have areas up in the mountains that have forests like that - but there isn't any snow up there now. The snow that is still there is at such a high elevation that trees don't grow well there....

    • There are no mountains near where I live now. Well, I guess the Appalachians are kind of close, but not very impressive comparatively. I like to look at the pictures of the snowy ones though. I think it's the best way to experience the cold. ;-)

"Be there. Aloha." -- Steve McGarret, _Hawaii Five-Oh_
