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Journal athloi's Journal: In praise of /, procrastination 1

Why we read Slashdot at work: the human politics of the situation make work boring, because we are always waiting on external authorities, and so it stultifies our creative drive. We find ourselves acting to please others, and to pacify public perception, neither of which has anything to do with the hack-wisdom of something: how well does it work?

But if we speak out, we get fired, and then we have to go home to our wives and kids and explain that we're broke, so we stay quiet and nod and pass along inferior and dangerous products, and check Slashdot whenever we can.

In this sense, Slashdot is a guardian of the soul... it keeps our inner worlds alive while our outer worlds are conformity to the accumulated fear of others.

Just a grim observation on a dying society during a tedious Thursday here at work!

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In praise of /, procrastination

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