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Journal Andux's Journal: The War That Never Ends

from the may-your-chains-set-lightly-upon-you dept.
I'd like to ask everyone not to sing along with the following until they are well out of my hearing range (Why any Slashdotters would be out here in the Land of the Cow anyway is beyond me. This isn't exactly Silicon Valley. But I digress.):

This is the war that never ends;
yes, it goes on and on, my friends.

Some morons started fighting it, not knowing what it was;
they're gonna keep on fighting it forever just because....

Repeat until either:

  • The "War on Terrorism" ends,
  • I smack you because you're still within earshot, or
  • You are paid a visit by your friendly neighborhood jackboots, who remind you that "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Thank you, and God Bless Amerik^Hca

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The War That Never Ends

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